From 1st of January 2025, all our classes are QualiCert certified!


constantly varied, functional movement at high intensity

CrossFit is a long-standing fitness methodology that will prepare you for life: from completing daily physical tasks to competing and pushing your body to it’s physical limits in any sports.

CrossFit is built to give everyone - no matter the current fitness level - the tools and possibility to improve your cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy.

CrossFit at Tahi

Our CrossFit classes are optimal to not only keep you fit and healthy overall, but they can perfectly complement any other sporting or fitness goals you might have.

In addition, our qualified coaches can adjust the movements to whatever level you are at, and our relatively small class size (max. 10 people) allows for individualised and safe coaching at all times.

FREE Trial Class

With the FREE trial class, you can visit any of our CrossFit, HYROX or Yoga classes throughout the week - see schedule below.

To sign up, click the button below or contact us via / 078 664 08 85

Select “try fee trial class” , fill in your details and follow the instructions…and you’re ready to go!

Membership Options

For our membership options, click here and find what’s best for you!